Sunday, April 25, 2010



I don't know about anyone else, but I have been finding myself looking at way more pictures on Flickr than necessary when finding one for my blogs. I will see one that is completely compatable for the topic of my blog but instead of just getting the code to embed I take note of the page it is on and continue to look. Though some of them aren't very relevant I find it quite interesting the things that people are able to come up with under the various key words that I have searched. I've managed to go through over ten pages of picures for no real reason. Props to those that creative enough to keep my procrastination at its best! ....I went through over 30 pages of pictures and this isn't even the one I wanted, but I couldn't find the other one (just thought I'd prove my point!).


  1. I know what you mean!
    Sometimes I look for a picture and I know exactly what I want, but can't find it! But I still manage to look through more pages than I need to!

  2. haha good I'm glad I'm not the only one!

  3. I know it is so easy to get distracted when looking on flickr. I think one reason like you said is because many of the pictures that come up aren't relevant to what you are searching for.
