Monday, February 1, 2010

Some tech for thought

I found this picture and quote and it kinda got me thinkin. I as I'm sure a lot of others am guilty of texting or using my itouch in class, but it blows my mind that there are ways to use them in the classroom as a teaching tool. I my first experience with something like this was in our last class when we were able to send in our vote by either text or twitter, and it was graphed right for us on the screen! I would love to find other ways of how things such as this are used. I was able to find a sight that had different ipod applications that were considered to be helpful (, however I have yet to check any of them out but am looking forward to it! Though I think that these could be great tools, I think the problem with relying on such things in the classroom would be the lack of resources such as the ipods and phones themselves. I know that it is safe to say that most students due own these things but there are also many who do not. I love the idea of using all this technology in the classroom and I am finding that there are many great tools, I am just wondering how available they will be when actually in the classroom.


  1. I've really been wondering a lot about this lately. I plan on working in a more urban area and am so torn about everything I am learning in class. It is all so wonderful and exciting and useful, but I can't see it being applied in all classes. How can we incorporate blogs and websites when the school itself doesn't have up to date computers? How can we as teachers assume everyone has the same access to these things we do?

  2. I took a differnt view on the picture alone. The picture, along with the text makes reminisce about times I was caught passing notes in elementary and middle school. Now with most middle class students owning cell phones it is much easier to text rather than risk passing an old fashioned paper note.

    This makes me wonder, how and should we as teachers regulate this?

    I also agree with Hayley that it is difficult to try to incorporate technology in all classrooms, but I think there are apps that can the teacher can utilize to benefit the students, even if the students do not nessicarily have the means to use it themselves.

  3. Haha yea Megan this picture also reminded me of passing notes in middle school! But I think you have a good point about utilizing technology teaching tools rather than relying on every student having their own tools to us individually.
